Wednesday, February 21, 2007

unfalling from the edge of the earth

before i start, yes, i know the video below is staged. still funny i think. and bravo to the young actress for getting her start on youtube.

sorry i've been m.i.a. for a while. dad had emergency eye surgery a few weeks ago, and i basically gave up life as i know it for a few weeks to care for him. detached retinas are very serious. here's hoping pops is better very soon.

in case you haven't heard (kristinfriend), there is a salmonella outbreak. peanut butter, bad, very bad. working in public health, i get to be at the forefront for serious terrorist threats like this. i'd tell you to google it for more information, but all you'll find is advertisements for lawyers trying to get their 30% off your misfortune. where they there for 30% of the diarrhea? ok. just checking.

in the true spirit of project optimism, here is a short visual lesson, from a new favorite website.

and a short note, erica and joe had their baby, addison mae was born on valentine's day. ready? all together now... "aww".


Kristina said...

I hope everything goes ok with your dad. I bet it means a lot to him that you are there for him. :)

Kristina said...

I like to tempt fate, take risks, laugh in the face of fear, yes I had a PB&J sandwich today.