Friday, March 17, 2006

spf 4

yeah, it really does help. i put it on my face and chest but not my arms and legs. for those of you who missed me, i was in orlando this week for a conference for work. these really smart conference planners let us out at 3:30 everyday so i had ample time by the pool tuesday, wednesday and thursday. fortunately, my boss is cool like that so we had um, a "mini staff retreat" on friday (read: drinks by the pool all day before our 7:30pm flight home) . it was not very fun carrying the laptop on the sunburned shoulders to the parking spot furthest from the clt airport, but falling up the last two stairs at home... that was just the perfect ending. time for bed, right after a cold shower and gallon of aloe.


Kristina said...

afternoons and evenings by the pool in Florida, us pasty people (well me at least) are jealous

Heather said...

*note to self, celeste makes handy traveling companion