Tuesday, November 22, 2005

bring on the dressing!

its no secret that gluttony-fest 2005 is just a few days away. yours truly will be traveling up to asheville, nc, towing dressing, gravy and sweet potatoes for a fun filled time with 30+ of dear family. i thought that i might have the chance to host this motley crew in my home again this year, but when my mom and step-dad said they couldn't make it because they were going to have nearly a full park (they own a recreational camp ground just outside of ashe-vegas) i decided that just wouldn't do. its true mom and ron don't have room for more than 2 or 3 guest inside their humble mountain dwelling, but i convinced them and the rest of the family that the spacious picnic-like shelter draped with thick plastic and warmed by chimeneas would be the perfect place for this price (of the price's chicken coop) clan to have a little turkey. so apple pies, mittens and puppies all in the car, should be a big time.

on a side note, i made off with a pre-release black market edition of creative loafing last night from the mint museum. doesn't hit the stands until tomorrow, if you want to be cool and know what's going on before everyone else, its gonna cost you.

oh and there will likely be pictures of tcf's new sassy red hair up soon, so stay tuned.


Heather said...

i have class at the mint, the one uptown. the 3rd floor of craft and design belongs to uncc. i happened to be leaving just as the nice delivery man was dropping off wednesday's release of cl. in my most charming way i asked him if i could i have a sneak preview, he couldn't resist, must be the red hair :)

all i've really read so far is 'karma cleanser' and the articles 'fatal digestion' and one that suggests that krispy kreme doughnuts are really made from crack. important note, the movie version of the broadway musical 'rent' starts tomorrow.

Madam Mim said...

happy t-day!!

Heather said...

daisy, who are you?