Monday, December 05, 2005

its been a while...

ok, so i know i'm a slacker and haven't posted in a while. i could blame it on finals and working lots of late hours. saturday i had a christmas party for work and sunday i spent most of the day in the library working on my project for class, coming home around 4pm to take a shot of nyquil and turn in early. unable to go to work this morning i've done much of nothing. drinking gallons of orange juiced laced with various decongestants, i've worked myself into a coma like state. tripp thinks if i make a fun new post people will leave me sympathetic comments. i did also promise to post picture of my new sassy red hair. tragically it has faded some and please forgive my photography skills (or lack there off).
other points of notice since i last wrote... i got my tattoo re-colored, the yellow had faded quite a bit but is now restored to a lovely vibrant tone. i also saw the movie version of rent. it was quite well done. i have to confess that i did sing (however off key) through the entire thing. one of my jr. world savers gave me naked, by david sedaris, i've been piddling through that and enjoying it very much. oh, and big drama the day before thanksgiving, my oven died, tragically in a cornbread making incident. i sat on the floor sobbing, to be comforted by my dear father who offered to take on part of the expense of the replacement as a christmas present (to be delivered on december 12). i gathered up fresh herbs and organic stock and finished making thanksgiving dressing and yummy sweet potatoes at my aunt and uncle's house.

well i better get back in bed, i have to all well by the weekend, my best friend jennifer daniels in playing in charlotte and tlmc's (who thinks i'm giving her a puppy for christmas-ha!) coming to town in just two weeks! yay!



Heather said...

eek for quasi-nakedness! you weren't supposed to notice, actually i think i am wearing a sports bra or tank top or some sort of contraption.

boo to having to go to work when you're sick and boo to spending most of the day in tears... project optimism needs some new optimisim, more to follow.

Heather said...

oh i dont know about all that yaying for quasi-nakedness

Heather said...

aw thanks harper! i've missed you! i have to admit that is fresh-from-salon hair, its not quite so shiny now. the snotty nose is getting better, thank you for your kind words. so where you been harp? how are finals coming?

Heather said...

31 pages?!?! that should be a snap for you harper! i have only have about 20 to go, by monday, fortunately i dont have a social life to get in the way. tripp and i talked about going to see jennifer daniels on saturday, but he's not speaking to me.

anyway, do you have big holiday plans harp? where are the parental units and the rest of the fam?