Wednesday, August 23, 2006

just for kicks

Emily: married, with kid
Erica: married, pregnant
Kim: married, pregnant
Steven (cousin): married
Bekah: serious relationship, talking about marriage
Nate: married
Rio: married
Jenny: married
Amelia: married
Kristin: married
Celeste: married, 2 kiddos
Matt (ex): married, 2 kiddos
Jon (ex): married, kids?
Seth (ex): married
Stephen (ex): married twice
Amanda: married
Megan (co-worker): married, kid
Victoria (co-worker): engaged
Erin (co-worker): engaged
Becky (former jr. world saver): serious relationship
Kimi (former jr. world saver): engaged
Lauren Hill (former jr. world saver): married
Andrei (cousin): married to McCamy
Luke: serious relationship
Miriam: fabulously single
Me: ha!

conclusion... you're smart, you figure it out.

UPDATE: DISCLAIMER... dear friends, I do not define you (nor myself) by relationship status. i was merely making an observation/classification, for research purposes only. i love you all. (oh and yes, Kristina is also single, but if I included her and Carol, it throws off the punch line)


Anonymous said...

ok, hate to say this, but... just because that's everybody's status now, it doesn't mean it'll look like that 10 or 20 years from now, unfortunately. i mean, the future version could read: divorced, miserable, murdered for insurance money, etc. isn't that what all the statistics predict?

btw, i'm totally excluding myself (of course) from the gloomy scenario above. i have no plans to take out a life insurance policy.

Madam Mim said...


I just think we (me and heather) are the only smart ones around here! :)

I will not be defined by my relationship status!

Heather said...

oh, that was one of my new year's resolutions wasnt it? damnit.

Kristina said...

hey, what about me?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with Amanda... and I prefer not to be defined by my relationship status, young lady!!! Why can't it read "still dying to become famous???" or "loser who couldn't get a job with her degree, so then joined the AF and NOT as an officer for that matter???" =) LOVE YOU!!!