Thursday, June 29, 2006


i didnt technically finish the oreos, but i'm sure mims will finish them. because she's a good person and trying to save me from myself. and she will be here in just a few hours! i'm so excited, i can't stand it.

i'm leaving tomorrow morning for michigan for nate and erin's wedding. i know. another wedding. go figure. i'm very excited about this one. even if it is at 8am. those silly hippies. supposedly there is no cell phone signal or internet access up in the wilderness where the wedding is, so until then faithful readers.

1 comment:

tara said...

WHOO HOO!!! Shall I have oreos on hand for you? It will be great to have you here. I'll try to clean up. And, of course, restock the fridge. Just now, I contemplated having a can of green beans for dinner. Or a bowl of Honeycomb.

I've decided on beer and pizza. Care to join?