my fan club has suggested that tlmc and i co-author a post. (thank you fan club for that vote of confidence). i am so happy to have mims in town. the first night she was here we stayed up until almost 3:30am just talking, mostly about boys (big surprise). mims is smitten with this guy casey, its cute to hear her talk about him. "christmas morning" (dec. 27) was fun, mims was so surprised to get her ipod. it made me happy to get her something she liked so much.
i went to kohl's today and while piddling through the throw rugs, i caught myself maneuvering to get a better look at the stranger across the way with red hair. i know its weird, but i really am attracted to boys with red hair. strange i know, but then again, i never claimed not to be.
tonight we went to dinner at midtown, ate half-priced fajitas and contemplated playing bar trivia. in the absence of friendly competition, the conversation quickly digressed to sex and politics, and the politics of sex, double standards, taboos... no big surprise. now we're sitting on the couch eating truffles, watching lost and trying desperately to remember some of the points of wit and wisdom that we chuckled over loudly. as we got up to leave our waiter told us to have a good night and without thought we chimed together "you too!" mims pointed out how odd it was that we always automatically reply to casual well wishes with "you too!", "have a nice flight", "you too!", "enjoy your meal", "you too!" even if the other person isnt flying, eating or in the position to have a good evening. (ok, so its much funnier to hear miriam say "you too!" in her quasi-rain-man-esque voice, you'll have to take my word for it)
Umm...excuse me but I do believe that I was present for the majority of the evening. I am very sadden by the fact that I'm not good enough to be mentioned in your blog.
And you left out the part about attacking your fridge with magnetic poetry.
this is true... sorry for not mentioning sam (not miriam's brother). she was with us most of the evening (except when i actually finished writing this). sam is like our little protégé... well except we're imparting all of the wisdom we learned during these hard college years so she doesnt have to suffer like we did.
to clarify about the magnetic poetry ambush. i already had on the fridge a few dozen happy words that came in some promo pack from a pharma that i got at work (i heart it because it has the word optimism in it). for my birthday sam gave me the original m.p. and i purchased the "dirty talk" version for joe and erica a while back, but it never made it to them, just last week in the dollar aisle at target i picked up the "fido" set. so with all the m.p. basics, the happy pack, the erotic and the puppy-fied version...needless to say there isn't a lot of room on the fridge but the potential for creative genius is huge.
yes I'm your protégé and things would be going great if only I would listen to you both.
I am going to write you a note on your fridge however last night there was far too much excitement over truffles and lost.
If red heads did it for me my love life would be solved (my best guy friend has red hair). Maybe I can introduce you two next time he comes to visit.
I'm glad you had a good girls night in.
woo hoo! thanks kristina. I hope you had a wonderful holiday. :)
yeah, good point harp (welcome back by the way)
maybe she likes to talk dirty
Wow Heather, what a great friend you are - an ipod! Brandon and I have two sets of magnetic poetry on our fridge as well, needless to say some of the phrases are not kid friendly since a lot of his guy friends come over and stand by the fridge (poetry and beer - ha)! Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year, I'll be near you then, in Gastonia!!!!
Sorry I had to delete and repost due to a misspelled word!
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