Tuesday, December 20, 2005

ta da!

so a few weeks ago i told the tragic story of my dead oven. well, now there is a new oven in my life and its very shiny. thanks to dad, louise, maw maw and paw paw for making this happen (and sears too). i have many presents left to wrap so this post won't be long. by popular demand, my new oven!


Kristina said...

Yay to shiny new things!

Heather said...

oh and that wall color, its called "sizzling haute".

Madam Mim said...

i want a puppy for x-mas too!!!!!!!!! just 5 days till i get to see the new oven!!!!

Shannon Paris, Marketing Director/Realtor said...

Wow, I'm so jealous, our oven/range is so old, but hey - it works! Thanks again for the truffle recipe and the Christmas card was oh so cute!

Heather said...

yay for miriam coming to see ME in 4 days !