Sunday, October 16, 2005

not bad for a sunday

wow, its a lot of pressure to have a blog. i've been getting a lot of grief from my readers about my slackness. give me a break, its only my first week with one of these things. it should be more then obvious by now that i don't have a lot of creative energy. domesticity does not make one creative. i have a midterm tomorrow in my public health care management class, and instead of studying, i found many exciting (and some not so exciting ways to procrastinate). first, saturday morning i got my eyebrows done. a glutton for punishment maybe, i was off in search of even more exciting and slightly less painful ways to procrastinate. i went to garden ridge and world market in search of just the right glass bottles for christmas presents, in true heather fashion, i was readily distracted by decorative knick-knacs and picture frames. i came home and rearranged my bedroom furniture (to more appropriately accommodate new picture frames, duh). i finally got prints made from some shots i took in hawai'i this past spring as well as a few i stole from t-nat's deviant art site. after spending a little over an hour telling tripp about how lost is the greatest tv show ever, he was convinced to go out and rent the first few episodes himself. i settled down on the couch and watched last wednesday's episode that sam (not miriam's brother) was so kind to tape for me. since i had to watch it by myself, i of course had to do it during daylight, basically because i'm a big wimp. even disney's villains give me nightmares. i need miriam to cuddle me on the couch. aw... (i miss you pookie!) sam (miriam's brother) supplied me with a virtual plethora of wild and crazy websites just for my viewing pleasure. i spent some time outside picking all of the basil left, some rosemary and thyme from the yard in preparation for christmas presents. yeah, i did nothing exciting.

i heart fall. its definitely my favorite season, and not just because its the season of college football (god bless the person who invented spandex pants--that was one of my campaign slogans when i ran for homecoming queen at gardner-webb back in the day--that clever bit is courtesy of tlmc). i love the crisp air, i love not having to run the a/c or the heat and i'm sure i will very much love my low power bill this month. it should help offset the fact that gas is a jillion dollars a gallon right now. i mean really.

if you need a pick-me-up this week. i suggest checking out anntonies caribbean cafe over by my house. they have a live steel drum band on friday and saturday nights. and no one can be sad or grumpy when they hear a steel drum band. because it makes you want to dance mon! that reminds me of a funny conversation in this very establishment (before they started having live steel drum bands) i had with my dear miriam, my life partner, my pookie. i think it very accurately depicts our personalities.

mims (oogling attractive minority male waiter): "when i go to law school, i'm going to date a minority... i need a struggle, its too easy being white, even a female, we don't have any struggles."
me: "my dad says women make up struggles"
mims: "except in politics i guess, it really pisses me off to look at the senate and see all of those white male faces... that's not what america looks like!"
me: "they should pick members of the senate by random selection"
mims: "like jury duty!"
me: "we should get on that!"
mims (oogling attractive minority male waiter): "i should get on THAT!"

ok, very important annoucement! sam (miriam's brother) just informed me that iTunes 6.0 came out today and that you can download entire tv shows for $1.99 and you don't even have to feel guilty about it because its legal. yay! :)


Madam Mim said...

awww... i feel so very honored to be featured in your blog today!! I often think back fondly of our cuddling sessions on the couch (which were often interupted by your displeasure with my restless feet...) and I do recall that conversation... it was a good time... I miss you too!!!!!!! Sigh... I miss you more than I want my sweet baboo... and that is A LOT!!!

Anonymous said...

I am also very honored to be a prominent feature in your blog and I do appreciate that you are making a point of saying exactly which Sam you are talking about. I thought you would appreciate what my mom said when I called her after leaving your house today. I believe her exact words were "I'm glad that Heather turned out to be not only a real person but a nice one at that."

I am however confused about how I manage to provide you with numerous entertaining websites to keep you from studying. Which of my friends are you stalking over the internet other than Alina?

also...YAY for iTunes!

Madam Mim said...
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Heather said...

who was visiting my blog at 6am and then deleted their comment?

sam (not miriam's brother) if you look closely, the person providing me with entertaining websites is the other sam. you can see a sample by clicking on the underlined words.

Madam Mim said...

It was me... I can't even recall what i said... I was dillusional.. Id been up since 5.. i went for a jog!! me and my mace and my metallica cd...WHAT-WHAT!! :)

Heather said...

wow mimsy, you need some sleep