Wednesday, January 18, 2006

because im cool like that

ok so i'm totally giving into peer pressure. and now that i have free time on my hands i feel like i can waste a little here and there. i present... nothing you ever wanted to know about me.

4 jobs you've (i've) had in my life (as opposed to someone else's?)

camp counselor
demo chef
sales lead (read:assistant manager for this fine company)
program coordinator
.... does superhero count? i think that's more my lifelong career.

4 places i've lived
charlotte, nc (3 different addresses)
boiling springs, nc (2 different dorms)
huntersville, nc
... really, thats it.

4 movies i could watch over and over again
phantom of the opera
rent (is there a pattern?)
french kiss
princess bride

4 t.v. shows i heart
food 911
how to boil water (again with the pattern)
good eats (different pattern)

4 places i've been on vacation
kona, hawaii
destin, fl
hilton head
mashantucket, ct

4 places i surf to daily
cash flow
job hunting
oh fug it all

4 favorite foods
cheese (all kinds)
anything mexican

4 places i'd rather be right this minute
on the way to cash my winning lottery ticket
on the couch with tlmc
in bed
here: (yeah, i took that picture for real, in hawaii)


Kristina said...

I'm learning more about Heather every day. A cook, hugh. So should I join along and make some lists?

Madam Mim said...

awww.... I heart you!!! I would rather be on the couch with tcf right now too, as opposed to in class listening to the LexisNexis sales person....zzzzzzzzz

Heather said...

i heart you too pookie! so im wondering if im not employed next weekend if maybe i should come down. lets chat.

yes kristina, i do enjoy piddling in the kitchen. tlmc can vouch for that.

Heather said...

that sounds niiiiice.