Monday, January 23, 2006

yay for the new job!

wow, ok so i managed to not go bankrupt during unemployment, but did almost wet my pants when they called and offered me the job today. that was possibly the most nerve-racking time ever. will post more later, but for now, i'm taking myself out to dinner.


Kristina said...

All Right! It reaffirms my faith that good things happen to good people.

Madam Mim said...

I repeat Kristina's sentiments!! You deserved this and I knew that if they had any sense(sp?) they would hire you ASAP!! COngrats!!!

Heather said...

awww... thanks you guys *sniff*sniff* you all are the greatest fan club a girl could hope for. i really do feel loved.

oh and for those of you who were concerned, yes, there will be lots of condoms at this job as well. free condoms for everyone! ;)

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!

I can't wait to hear all about the new job over mexican food on saturday.